I usually find some time about this period of the year….
to think about going forwards into the next year. And this year is no exception, except that I have decided instead to offer up some words of advice, to those younger than me, as I advance in age! And so, after some initial hesitation, I have come up with three of the things that I think, perhaps, wisdom has offered up to me as I have trodden ‘’each and every byway’’..
The first is to treat your good friends as if they were your own family. Whilst it is true family is often not the greatest of role models I do think that there is something about the innate value of good friends that is priceless and its often only when we have lost contact we realise how much value they can offer us in our lives, both day to day and year on year. When you are in need of comfort, support and understanding good, honest friends are priceless if they take the time to assist you and you -equally- take the time to assist them in a hour or hours of need.Blanch Dubois may have said ´´I have always relied on the comfort of strangers´´ but trust me, good friends are an incomparable resource.
The second is to try to understand and value ageing and the process of ageing. The one thing we all have in common is that we are, all of us, ageing. Every birthday we have to celebrate living is one step towards the inevitable and a reminder that we are a ticking clock. And so sometimes we tend to shun older people as a reminder of this fact. Older people are often marginalised but they have the benefit of decades of accumulated knowledge and wisdom. We can benefit from this if we will listen and offer them a potential role as mentors for us, sharing their understanding of life’s experiences. Our consumer society offers up a million ways of looking younger but seldom promotes the value of the accumulation of wisdom. Allow yourself to value and love your own and others wisdom.
The last is a plea not to skimp the little things. Whether it is giving a euro or two to the homeless man or woman in the street, or giving ourselves a little luxury by spending three euros more on our favourite shampoo or type of food. Enjoying giving to others or ourselves neednt involve spending a lot of money and yet it can still feel special. Learn to love the small things that make life a little more worthwhile, and you will put things in your life into a better, healthier perspective.
And in the meantime in uncertain times value those who wish you a very happy and peaceful New Year.